ERRS - New Issue Published - 15, n°2, 2024 - "The Place of Suffering in Ricœur's Thought"
ERRS - New Issue Published - 15, n°2, 2024 - "The Place of Suffering in Ricœur's Thought"
Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies has just published its latest issue – 15, n°2, 2024 -
We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest.
Thanks for the continuing interest in our work.
Editorial Direction: Ernst WOLFF and Jean-Luc AMALRIC
- Introduction. La place de la souffrance dans la pensée de Ricœur Astrid Chevance, Luz Ascarate 1-7
- Introduction. The Place of Suffering in Ricœur’s Thought Astrid Chevance, Luz Ascarate 8-13
- "Suffering is Not Pain" by Paul RicœurAn Annotated English Translation Astrid Chevance, Luz Ascarate 14-27
- Ricœur’s Practical Philosophy of Suffering in Medicine: a Contextualization of “Suffering is Not Pain” with Other Peripheral Works Astrid Chevance 28-47
- La place de la clinique dans « La souffrance n’est pas la douleur » de Paul Ricœur Martin Dumont 48-61
- Le mal en deux mauxDouleur et souffrance à partir de Ricœur Élodie Boissard 62-81
- Pain and Suffering: In Conversation with Paul Ricœur Jennifer Corns 82-94
- Applying Ricœur’s Model of Suffering to Negative Non-Primarily Physical Experiences Not Called “Suffering” in Everyday Language Charlotte Geindre 95-110
- The Flesh of Stories of Pain and SufferingTowards a Hermeneutics of the Ante-Predicative István Fazakas 111-129
- Intolérable tolérancePaul Ricœur et les paradoxes de la souffrance Serge Margel 130-146
- Introduction à « Discours, métaphysique, et herméneutique du soi » de Paul Ricœur Samuel Lelièvre 147-162
- Introduction to “Discourse, Metaphysics, and Hermeneutics of the Self” by Paul Ricoeur Samuel Lelièvre 163-177
- « Discours, métaphysique, et herméneutique du soi » de Paul Ricœur Samuel Lelièvre 178-192
- "Discourse, Metaphysics, and Hermeneutics of the Self" by Paul Ricœur Samuel Lelièvre 193-206
- Paul Ricœur and Metaphysics Barnabas Aspray 207-226
- The Ontology of Actuality and Potentiality as a Way for a Speculative Approach to the Aporetics of Time Esteban Lythgoe 227-240
- The Excellence Award at the Fonds Ricœur’s Summer Workshop 2024The Ontological Demands of Darstellung. Ricœur and the Problem of Historical Representation Sara Rocca 241-256
- Recension. Pierre-Olivier Monteil, Penser l’imagination avec Ricœur. Raviver la société pétrifiée (Paris : Hermann, coll. « Le Bel aujourd’hui », 2024), 184 p. Jean-Philippe Pierron 257-260
- Recension. Luz Ascarate, Imaginer selon Paul Ricœur. La phénoménologie à la rencontre de l’ontologie sociale (Paris : Hermann, 2022), 281 p. Cristina Stoianovici 261-269
- Recension. Francesca D’Alessandris, La persona e la traccia. Ipotesi sull’esistenza e il suo racconto a partire da Paul Ricœur (Pisa : Edizioni ETS, 2023), 208 p. Monica Gorza
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