Comprendre Temps et récit II : du discours théorique au commentaire de Mrs Dalloway


  • Cristina Henrique da Costa UNICAMP



Ricoeur, hermeneutics of text, literary theory, fictional narrative, Mrs Dalloway


This article proposes a reading of Paul Ricœur’s Time and Narrative II. This book, which focuses on the idea of the configuration of time in narrative in order to ensure continuity between the prefiguration of narrative and its refiguration and also seeks to understand the specificity of fictional narrative in relation to historical narrative, is a three-dimensional discourse: philosophy, theories of narrative and major works of literature. The text poses a number of theoretical problems that will be considered here in relation to literary theory through a critical reflection informed by a reading of Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs Dalloway.


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François Dosse, Histoire du structuralisme. Le champ du signe, 1945-1966 (Paris : La Découverte, 2012).

Gérard Genette, Figures III (Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 1972).

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Roman Jakobson, « Du réalisme artistique » in Théorie de la littérature (Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 1965).

Henri Meschonnic, Critique du rythme (Paris : Verdier, 1982).

Paul Ricœur, Philosophie de la volonté 2. Finitude et culpabilité (Paris : Éditions Points, 2009).

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Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway (Paris : Éditions Stock, 1948).

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