La Salade de Don Quichotte

Quelques enjeux économiques concernant la traduction


  • Thierry Capmartin Université de Pau



literature, Philosophy, Translation, Structuralism, Hermeneutics


Cervantes’ Don Quixote occupies a singular place in the history of literary translation into French, at least because it has been the subject of incessant retranslations. But the book is particularly noteworthy because translation is thematized for its own sake in two places in it. By playing with the codes of the chivalry novel, Cervantes set the general framework for theoretical reflection on translation, the main tensions of which are highlighted in this paper. By internalizing its own fictional and translational origins, in an interlude straddling chapters VIII and IX, Don Quixote evokes both the idea of an impossible translation, but also that of translation as a particular reading modality, in which modern literature originates as a quasi-world (Ricœur) conducive to textual exchange. Finally, we show that, in so doing, Cervantes pointed unwittingly, of course, to both structuralism and the hermeneutic tradition and, ultimately, to their problematic articulation.


ATILF – CNRS & Université de Lorraine, Trésor de la langue Française informatisé, en ligne : (consulté en mars 2023).

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