Discourse, Metaphysics, and Hermeneutics of the Self


  • Paul Ricœur



Palabras clave:

anthropology, discourse, ethics, hermeneutics of the self, metaphysics, ontology, phenomenology


“Discourse, Metaphysics ,and Hermeneutics of the Self” deals with the connection between the hermeneutics of the self, as constituted in the ethical-anthropological framework of Oneself as Another (1990), and Ricoeur’s conception of a metaphysics of human agency as developed within this period of his work. It relates to his inquiries in the fields of ontology and metaphysics, from the lectures entitled Être, essence et substance chez Platon et Aristote (1953-1954) – translated as Being, Essence and Substance in Plato and Aristotle (2013)—, up to “De la métaphysique à la morale” (1993) published in the Revue de métaphysique et de morale – translated into English as “From Metaphysics to Moral Philosophy” (1996)—, via the article “Ontologie” (1972) for Encyclopaedia Universalis, the last chapter of The Rule of Metaphor (1975), and the first section of the conclusions to the third volume of Time and Narrative (1985). Ricœur aims at determining a specific kind of philosophical discourse as a common ground for the perspectives stemming from a hermeneutic phenomenology and from a more speculative ontological-metaphysical research.


Aristotle, The Complete Works of Aristotle, two volumes, trans. Jonathan Barnes (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984).

John Langshaw Austin, How to Do Things with Words (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962).

Rémi Brague, Aristote et la question du monde (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1988).

Wilhelm Dilthey, The Formation of the Historical World in the Human Sciences (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002 [1927]).

Martial Guéroult, Philosophie de l’histoire de la philosophie (Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1979).

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, trans. Terry Pinkard (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018 [1807]).

Martin Heidegger, Sein und Zeit (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1984 [1927]).

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Discourse on Metaphysics and the Monadology, trans. George R. Montgomery (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1992 [1686–1714]).

Jean Nabert, Elements for an Ethics, trans. William J. Petrek (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1969 [1962]).

Plato, Complete Works, ed. John M. Cooper (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1997).

Paul Ricoeur, “Ontologie”, in Encyclopaedia Universalis, T. XII (Paris: Encyclopaedia Universalis France, 1972), 94-102.

Paul Ricoeur, The Rule of Metaphor. Multi-Disciplinary Studies of the Creation of Meaning in Language, trans. Robert Czerny et al. (Toronto: University of Toronto, 1978 [1975]).

Paul Ricoeur, Time and Narrative. Vol.III, trans. Kathleen Blamey and David Pellauer (Chicago/London: Chicago University Press, 1988 [1985]).

Paul Ricoeur, Oneself as Another, trans. Kathleen Blamey (Chicago and London: Chicago University Press, 1992 [1990]).

Paul Ricoeur, “La souffrance n’est pas la douleur,” Revue de psychiatrie française, vol. XXIII (1992), 9-18. https://bibnum.explore.psl.eu/s/psl/ark:/18469/3tcmb

Paul Ricoeur, “De la métaphysique à la morale,” Revue de métaphysique et morale, vol. 98, no 4 (1993), 455-477.

Paul Ricoeur, “From Metaphysics to Moral Philosophy,” trans. David Pellauer, Philosophy Today, vol. 40 (1996 [1993]), 443-458.

Paul Ricoeur, Être, essence et substance chez Platon et Aristote. Cours professé à l’université de Strasbourg en 1953-1954 (Paris: Seuil, 2011 [1982]).

Paul Ricoeur, Being, Essence, and Substance in Plato and Aristotle, trans. David Pellauer and John Starkey (Cambridge: Polity, 2013 [2011]).

Baruch Spinoza, Ethics: Proved in Geometrical Order, trans. Matthew J. Kisner and Michael Silverthorne (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018 [1677]).

Jacques Taminiaux, Heidegger and the Project of Fundamental Ontology, trans. Michael Gendre (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991 [1989]).

Franco Volpi, Heidegger e Aristotele (Padova: Daphne, 1984).

Wittgenstein Ludwig, Philosophical Investigations (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1953).





