Telling the Story of Space. Between Design and Construction


  • Giovanna Costanzo University of Messina, Italy


Palabras clave:

Hermeneutics, Memory, Narrative, Architecture


Philosophy has always examined subjectivity in terms of its relationship with time, but less frequently has it engaged with the theme of space; however, as soon as it begins to do this, it runs into questions that remain very much open. Paul Ricoeur only moved onto considering the topic of space after having reflected at length on time and the temporality inhabited by subjectivity. Making space a topic means not only thinking about the extension of the one's own body as a lived body but also reflecting on that physical space in which "the other comes closer and where the close becomes other" and in which the encounter of identity and difference creates continuous short circuits, especially in the increasingly congested western metropolises. Starting from the "unexpected application" of the narrative dimension to architecture, Ricoeur goes on to develop an interesting reflection on space built and space inhabited.

Biografía del autor/a

Giovanna Costanzo, University of Messina, Italy

Associate professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Messina, Italy


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