Freud, Moïse et la religion. Une lecture de Paul Ricœur


  • Azadeh Thiriez-Arjangi Fonds Ricœur – CRAL (EHESS)



Moses, Michelangelo, Freud, Religion, Exodus, Rank, Judaism, Repression, Culture, Guilt, Neurosis, Economic Theory of Culture, Topical-Economic Model, Illusion, Dogma, Obsessional Neurosis, Desire


Freud places the triad of art, morality and religion at the heart of a cultural sphere that remains determined by the topical-economic model. Within this framework that this article examines Ricœur’s interpretation of religion in Freud. Through Ricœur’s writings on psychoanalysis, it presents an analysis of the figure of Moses in Freud before evoking the Freudian conception of religion in the economic theory of culture. The first part of the article notes the difficult articulation between the two figures of Moses in Freud’s writings: Michelangelo’s Moses and that of Moses and monotheism, according to Ricœur’s interpretation. In a second step, the article returns to the different themes addressed by Ricœur in relation to the question of religion in Freud’s thought, such as neurosis, repression, guilt and illusion.


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