Adolf Grünbaum critique de Ricœur


  • Philippe Lacour Universidade Federal de Brasilia



Grünbaum, Epistemology, Motivation, Reason, Cause


In this article, I try to reconstitute the inchoative debate that took place between Ricœur and Grünbaum concerning the epistemology of Freudian psychoanalysis. The debate was more inchoative than effective because of its asymmetry (Grünbaum read and analyzed Ricœur, but the converse is far from certain). First, I will underline the originality of Ricœur’s theory of motivation (as a mix of reason and cause) and causality (teleological). Then, I will examine the rest of Grünbaum’s objections: the overvaluation of clinical relationship and language, the ontological specificity of psychical reality, the narrative originality of the psychoanalytical explanation and the status of symbol. I finally conclude by underlining the added value of the debate concerning the specificity o

Author Biography

Philippe Lacour, Universidade Federal de Brasilia

Enseigne la théorie du savoir et la philosophie des sciences à l'Université de Brasilia (Brésil). Spécialiste de philosphie des sciences humaines, il a rédigé une thèse de doctorat sur la notion de connaissance clinique. Il a publié notamment La nostalgie de l'individuel. Essai sur le rationalisme pratique de Gilles-Gaston Granger (Paris, Vrin, 2012) et de nombreux articles consacrés à Ricoeur. Il prépare un ouvrage sur l'épistémologie de Jean-Claude Passeron.




