Une juste reconnaissance. La place du juridique dans l’articulation de la “petite éthique”





Subject of law, Imputation, Responsibility, Capable Man, Practical Wisdom


This essay critically examines the place that the reference holds relative to law, and more broadly to the legal phenomenon, in the final phase of Ricœur’s reflection on the capable subject. References to the law and more in general to the legal sphere play an increasingly relevant role in the later reflections of Ricœur, in particular in articulating its “little ethics.” This is done, by contrast, through a deep reconfiguration of some fundamental legal categories, in particular that of legal subject and that of responsibility. The implications of this theoretical renewal will be examined both as regards the internal articulation of Ricœur’s late thought as well as regards their potential repercussions for the contemporary legal theory.

Author Biography

Guido Gorgoni, University of Padova

Assistant Professor in Legal Philosophy;
Aggregate Professor, Digital Citizenship and Law;
Former Aggregate Professor, Legal Informatics;
University of Padova, Dept. of Political Science, Law, and International Studies


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