Le surcroît d’imagination dans le récit. Comment Husserl apporte un complément aux vues de Ricœur


  • Pol Vandevelde Marquette University




Ricœur, Narrative, Imagination, Phantasma, Husserl


I examine why and in what sense imagination is present in a narrative of real facts or events. I present the problem as stated by Paul Ricœur when he introduces the three genres of “the Same,” “the Other,” and “the Analogous” in order to explain how a narrative can render facts and events “as they really happened.” For the solution I appeal to Edmund Husserl’s notion of “phantasma,” which he sees as the support for pure imagination, as when I imagine a centaur. The phantasma plays in pure imagination the same role as sensations in perception. I argue that a narrative has a phantasma—what it allows us to visualize and experience when reading an account—and that this phantasma is analogous to the sensations of perceptions that first observers had of these facts and events. There is thus, first, no radical difference between perception and imagination: both include a moment of “mere presentation” through sensations or phantasma, respectively. And, second, the imaginative component of a narrative allows the brute facts and events to be “experienced” again in the mode of the “as if.”


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