L’invention morale et la sagesse pratique. Une lecture de la petite éthique de Paul Ricoeur


  • Jean-Philippe Pierron Université De Bourgogne, France




Imagination, Ethics, Moral Invention, Game, Advice, Bioethics, Economics, Nussbaum


The “small” Ricœurian ethic disrupts the classical presentations of different ethics because of the place it gives to the moral imagination and the tragic. Difficult to classify in the panorama of contemporary ethics, the Ricœurian project values the pluralism of moral traditions as practical preunderstandings while giving practical creativity a prominent place. This tension of traditions and ethical imagination gives his practical wisdom a dynamic and heuristic character. This article shows the fruitfulness of this wisdom in an age of pluralistic and complex societies, and deploys its practical significance. It analyzes, first, cells of good advice, where practical inventiveness is mobilized. Second, through discussion of the work of Ricœur and Nussbaum, it then studies, within the framework of the economy where the role and place given to play is central, the place of imagination in an anthropology of the capable human being.

Author Biography

Jean-Philippe Pierron, Université De Bourgogne, France

Département de Philosophie


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