La réponse ricœurienne au conflit dans Le volontaire et l’involontaire à partir de la sagesse cartésienne


  • Ana Lucía Montoya Jaramillo Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome



Ricœur, Descartes, wisdom, conflict, virtue, attention


This article aims to explore a sapiential response to the question of the inner experience of the conflict between the voluntary and the involuntary, which Ricœur alludes to in the first volume of his Philosophy of the Will. I take as my starting point Ricœur’s reference in the conclusion to the three pieces of advice given by Descartes to achieve contentment, which Ricœur equates with the virtues of decision, effort and consent. Building on Ricœur’s assertion that we receive the life of the involuntary into the heart of freedom through attention, I seek to explore how attention can help reconcile the conflicting relationship between the voluntary and the involuntary in everyday experience. I do so by proposing a rereading of these three virtues in the light of the practical mediation of attention.

Author Biography

Ana Lucía Montoya Jaramillo, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome

Ana Lucía Montoya Jaramillo, is Assistant professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Gregorian University, Rome. She obtained his PhD with a dissertation on “La fenomenología de la atención en Paul Ricœur. La generosidad del cogito encarnado”. She published some papers and reviews on Ricoeur. Main research areas: attention and existential phenomenology.


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